Concrete Jungle Limited Edition Ciderfest Tank
Hey, you can't just go around shirtless everywhere like some kind of care-free bon vivant! And it's hot out there--you certainly don’t need sleeves at this time of year!
That's right, there are laws and norms which basically require you to get a Concrete Jungle shirt. Sorry, but we don't make the rules.
If you’ve been hangin’ around these parts for a while, you know that Concrete Jungle’s origin story begins with a big ol’ party called Ciderfest. This is the shirt y’all have been waiting for: Ciderfest tank tops!
Features of the limited edition Ciderfest tank top:
*Rad, metal-band-inspired logo
*Incredible CJ catch-phrase: y’all ain’t eatin’ ‘em
*Annoying sleeves have been removed for you
Now unfortunately we don't have any shorts or shoes on offer at the moment, so you won't be fully street-legal with just the shirt, but you could always sign up for our mailing list to find out when the latest batch of CJ-approved hot pants and sandals are due to arrive.
Artwork by Bang Tran.